Portfolio Management: Diversifying Your Assets

Diversifying your assets is essential for increasing your earning potential and managing risk. Prof Loki discusses about the importance of diversification in portfolio management.


Smart Wallet Solutions Will Bring More Developers And Builders To Web3

Discover how smart wallets can boost more than just crypto adoption by attracting developers and key players in the Web2 space.


Taking Profits and Setting Stop Losses in Crypto

Trading actually requires a disciplined set of rules including when one plans to exit their trade. Beginner traders would largely benefit from learning about taking profits and setting stop losses. These strategies help one manage investments effectively, ensuring they lock in gains and protect against significant downside. 


Smart Wallets Are A Game Changer For Onboarding Users To Web3

Discover how smart wallets can lower the technological barriers into crypto and provide the foundation for accelerating onboarding for millions.


Decentralizing Data Storage Through Crust Network

Polkadot's Crust Network offers community-driven decentralized storage options that revolutionize how we store and manage our data online.


Controlling your Digital Identity with Litentry

Nowadays, most people need to do this with their digital identities scattered across different platforms. Fortunately, Litentry offers a solution! By aggregating information from different accounts and allowing users to choose what they share – we get to control our digital identity! 


Blockchain in the Real World: Use Cases in Different Industries

Blockchain technology has gone beyond crypto and decentralized finance and is now being used in all kinds of industries from healthcare to agriculture, transportation, ecommerce, and beyond.


Crypto Hacks in the First Quarter of 2024

Here's our rundown of key takeaways from the top crypto hacks in the first quarter of 2024.


Gamifying Trading With Merkle Trade

Can crypto trading be more engaging, interactive, and community-centered than it already is? Here's what Merkle Trade plans to make that happen.


Darwinia: An Asset Relay Chain for Seamless Blockchain Interoperability

Introducing Darwinia, a cross-chain relay station that aims to be Polkadot's main asset relay hub.


What Web3 Roles Best Fit Your DISC Personality Profile?

Find out what types of Web3 projects, roles, and investments suit you best depending on your DISC profile.


Building a Secure Robot Ecosystem with Robonomics Network

Robots are beginning to take over the world – but not in a bad way! From smart thermostats, voice-activated speakers, to self-driving cars and industrial robots for manufacturing, life is becoming much easier with our digital helpers. However, most of these robots rely on centralized systems to keep them running which makes them vulnerable should these systems fail. Fortunately, Robonomics Network is here to provide a solution!


Sangamithra Movie Token Sale: Transforming Film Enthusiasts Into Film Investors

1AssetExchange is thrilled to announce the upcoming launch of "Sangamithra" on the IXS Launchpad, marking a significant milestone in film financing and intellectual property (IP) rights management.


The IXS Launchpad: Democratizing Access to Private Markets

Securing funding is critical to a startup's success or failure. Traditional fundraising methods have evolved significantly over the years, especially in equity sharing. The advent of blockchain technology has also introduced new mechanisms, such as Security Token Offerings (STOs), that promise to democratize access to investment opportunities. 


TA vs FA: Navigating the Crypto Market with Confidence

Making life-changing gains in crypto isn’t as easy as it sounds. Luckily, there are two conventional ways to navigate this market – Technical Analysis (TA) and Fundamental Analysis (FA).


Amnis Finance: Freeing Liquidity on Aptos

With a focus on scalability and security the Aptos blockchain has recently been making waves in the DeFi space. Many crypto users have been using Aptos dApps for various activities such as borrowing, lending, staking and yield farming. However, a key hurdle for users staking their native APT token lies in limited liquidity. Here’s where Amnis Finance plays a role by being the first to offer liquid staking on the Aptos blockchain.


Invarch: The Universal Gateway to Web3

Anyone involved or starting to get involved in the blockchain space will inevitably encounter this common problem: managing transactions across different networks can be so complicated and exhausting.


Tanssi: A Developer's Best Friend

Creating different blockchain infrastructure isn't a walk in the park and coding everything from scratch can be quite a difficult task. Think of blockchain as a house with one architect needing to design and construct all the rooms, furniture, foundation, plumbing, and electrical wiring themself without any help. This is a complex and time-consuming process and is similar to what challenges developers face when deploying traditional appchains. Fortunately, here’s where Tanssi comes in to give developers an easier time building on Web3. 


Phala Network: Simplifying Web3 with Secure AI Integration

The world of Web3 can be too complex for many users. Navigating a sea of decentralized applications (dApps) and understanding blockchain technology's intricacies create a significant entry barrier for most newcomers. Fortunately, here’s where Phala Network steps in. By taking advantage of AI's potential for automation, Phala Network improves the user experience and unlocks a new era of intelligent dApps.


What Web3 Projects Best Fit Your Personality Archetype?

Make the most of your Web3 experience by picking projects, roles, and investments that are a natural fit for your personality archetype.


How to Maximize Your Crypto Strategy Based on Your MBTI Type

Fun fact: Your personality can have a huge effect on the investments, communities, and roles that suit you best in the Web3 space. Find out which ones best suit you based on your Myers-Briggs personality type.


Introduction to Web3 Wallets

Web3 wallets play a significant role in the storage, transmission, and reception of digital assets such as cryptocurrencies and Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). They are necessary for accessing and engaging with the Web3 realm, which encompasses blockchain technology, decentralized applications (DApps), and other cryptographic assets.


Phala Network: Simplifying Web3 with Secure AI Integration

The world of Web3 can be too complex for many users. Juggling multiple wallets, navigating a sea of decentralized applications (dApps), and understanding blockchain technology's intricacies create a significant entry barrier for most newcomers. Fortunately, here’s where Phala Network steps in. By taking advantage of AI's potential for automation, Phala Network also improves the user experience and unlocks a new era of intelligent dApps.


KTX Finance Unlocks New DeFi Potential Through Strategic Partnerships

KTX.Finance is pushing new boundaries through multiple active collaborations within the crypto and blockchain space. Here are some of its latest partners and what users can expect from these collabs.


The Future of Fundraising: How Polimec Democratizes Access to Capital

Ever wondered what fundraising could look like in a decentralized, future version of the web? Find out how Polimec is making this a reality while solving the main challenges that go hand-in-hand with conventional fundraising.


Applying Fundamental Analysis to Crypto

Unlike investing in the stocks of regular companies, crypto projects don’t release earnings reports, and yet they have reached insane valuations. Fortunately, there are ways to find the worth of various coins and tokens to get in on the action. Here’s a guide on how to apply fundamental analysis to cryptocurrencies!


Demystifying DePIN with peaq

Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks, or DePINs, use Web3 technology to enhance community-driven infrastructure across different industries. One of them is peaq, a DePIN that could solve persistent infrastructure problems in the Philippines.


MeWe: Beyond Just Privacy

It’s very concerning just how much social media giants benefit from their users’ data. With privacy concerns looming around, MeWe steps in to redefine the online social experience.


The Battle of Currencies: Fiat vs Digital Money

In the financial universe, the dichotomy between fiat money and digital money represents a pivotal shift from tangible to virtual assets, fundamentally altering how transactions unfold globally.


What Is Crypto Jacking?

Have you ever been a victim of cryptojacking? If not, here's a guide explaining what this lucrative cybercrime is and how to avoid it.


Introduction to Candlestick Charting

If you’ve ever wanted to trade or invest in cryptocurrencies, you may have come across their candlestick charts. While these might overwhelm beginners, don’t be discouraged because learning how to read candles isn’t as hard as it looks. Let’s dive into how to read candlesticks!


5 Centralized Exchanges for Your Digital Assets

The cryptocurrency market enters a series of highs and lows, and these efficient and reliable centralized exchanges will help you catch those waves. Here are our top picks for swift and robust cryptocurrency exchanges.


Unleashing the DeFi Potential of Bitcoin with Interlay

Though there have been efforts to integrate Bitcoin with DeFi such as with wBTC and others, they still carry some issues with centralization and security. Here’s where Interlay makes a difference with its iBTC!


5 Reliable Crypto Wallets That You Should Consider To Store Your Crypto Assets

With the cryptocurrency landscape entering into a bull market, consider safeguarding your assets with a self-custodial wallet. Here are our top choices of self-custody wallets to consider.


What's the Difference Between Layer 1 and Layer 2 Scaling Solutions?

Rollups? Sharding? Sidechains? Here's an overview of the different Layer One and Layer Two scaling solutions and how they help enhance the blockchain ecosystem.


Friendzone.pro: A SocialFi Product Geared for Inclusion and Accessibility

Emerging as a beacon of innovation, Friendzone.pro tackles the sustainability challenge head-on and pioneers a revolutionary approach to SocialFi that prioritizes adaptive economics and fair rewards.


Bridging TradFi and DeFi: Tokenizing Real-World Assets with Centrifuge

As the blockchain and Web3 space evolved, we’ve gotten to a whole new world of financial services with Decentralized Finance (DeFi). However, Traditional Finance (TradFi) also has its own merits. Fortunately, Centrifuge is here to act as a bridge between the two!


Taking Control: Secure Identity Management with KILT

In today's digital world, our identities are constantly being exposed online. Most of the personal information we surrender usually isn’t even needed. This is where KILT Protocol steps in!


Moonbeam: The EVM Smart Contract Platform

One of Polkadot’s unique features is the interoperability of its ecosystem of blockchains and parachains with each other. Among these parachains is Moonbeam.


Diving into Crypto Trading: Traditional Trading vs. Copy Trading vs. Bot Trading

There are many different ways to approach trading, depending on your personality and skill level. This article explores the key differences between traditional cryptocurrency trading, copy trading, and bot trading.


SEC Will Block Binance: What to Do Now?

The SEC issued an advisory against the global cryptocurrency exchange Binance. As the ban becomes increasingly imminent, Filipinos will find themselves with limited options: either exit the Web3 space entirely or seek alternatives to Binance.


Mythical Games: An Innovative Gaming Ecosystem on Polkadot

Get to know Mythical Games, a revolutionary Web3 gaming company that's taking blockchain-based gaming to the next level.


What Are Proof-of-Capacity and Proof-of-Commitment?

Proof-of-Capacity and Proof-of-Equipment are blockchain consensus mechanisms that aim to increase the accessibility and efficiency of blockchain networks.


Emerging Blockchain Narratives you should know!

Understand the new emerging narratives in blockchain that we haven't seen in the previous halving and how they're making a difference in blockchain technology.


Polkadot: The Internet of Blockchains

Polkadot hopes to solve the blockchain interoperability issue by becoming a network that efficiently connects multiple blockchains.


Unlocking Liquidity Through Bifrost's Liquid Staking Tokens

Liquid Staking Tokens (LSTs) are the largest category in decentralized finance (DeFi), with approximately 26 billion dollars deposited as of November 2023.


3 Most In-Demand Skills to Start a Career in Web3

Starting a career in Web3 is no easy feat. Here are 3 in-demand skills to help you start a successful career in Web3.


Interoperability of Stablecoins

Buying cryptocurrency assets and figuring out how to sell or cash out can be confusing for beginners. Fortunately, stablecoins make the process easier.


What Is the Metaverse?

With all the hype around it, many are calling the metaverse the future of the internet. But what exactly is the metaverse?


What Is the Ethereum Merge?

Top smart contract blockchain Ethereum just accomplished The Merge. But what does it mean, and does it solve Ethereum's current problems?


What Is GCrypto?

As the country's leading E-money wallet, GCash offers a smooth, safe, and easy experience for Filipinos looking to buy their 1st ever cryptocurrency.


What Is the Blockchain Trilemma?

Every day, you and I are faced with choices that we must make, even if it means sacrificing other alternatives. The blockchain faces dilemmas, too.


What Is Blockchain Sharding?

Sharding of data in databases is not a new concept. That's right! Sharding is a concept borrowed from horizontally scaling databases.


What Is Account Abstraction?

Account abstraction, an Ethereum token standard that uses smart contract crypto wallets, simplifies the dApp user experience.


What Is a Direct Acyclic Graph (DAG)?

A Direct Acyclic Graph is a type of decentralized data storage and consensus mechanism that is different from blockchain technology.


What Do We Need to Build the Metaverse?

The metaverse is the sum of all virtual worlds powered by emerging technology, and their differences from each other can be as stark as night and day.


What Are the Different Blockchain Layers?

Blockchains are more than just blocks of stored data on a chain. They actually have many layers with different functions.


What Are Consensus Mechanisms?

Cryptocurrency often finds itself being severely criticized due to various reasons. Its decentralization is a favorite topic of its critics.


Trezor Model One Review: Trusted Security for Newbies and Experts Alike

Here's what you need to know about one of the top cold storage crypto wallets in the market: Trezor Model One.


Starting Out with Phantom

Phantom is a cryptocurrency wallet built on and for the Solana blockchain. It is often considered to be the Solana counterpart for Metamask.


Stablecoins and CBDCs: How Do They Differ?

Stablecoins and Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) are two types of digital currencies, each with their own specific features, benefits, and purpose.


Smart Contract Wallets: Smart Contracts Meet Crypto Wallets

Say goodbye to worries about security and hello to a new age of digital assets with Smart Contract Wallets.


Safety First: Learn How to Protect Yourself and Safeguard Your Crypto

Scams are everywhere, especially in the crypto space. Find out how to protect your digital assets from hackers and security threats.


Securing Trust Through Proof-of-Reserves

An overview of Proof-of-Reserves, a transparent auditing method used to demonstrate that a cryptocurrency exchange holds the assets it claims to have


Limitations of On-Chain Metrics

Despite the benefits of data-driven insights derived from on-chain metrics to one's investment decisions, on-chain metrics do have drawbacks and limitations.


Introduction to On-chain Metrics

Did you know that cryptocurrency data can be viewed? This would not have been possible if on-chain metrics did not emerge.


How to Keep Your Hot and Cold Wallets Safe?

How do you thwart security threats and keep your digital assets safe? Learn how in this list of practical tips for securing hot and cold crypto wallets.


Ideologies in Cryptocurrencies and Web 3

An analysis of major crypto ideologies, including Bitcoin maximalism, crypto liberalism vs. pro-regulation, and pure trading vs. pure investing.


How to Launch Collaborations That Grow Communities: A Guide for Web3 Founders

Collaborations are a bootstrapped founder's friend. Partnerships and collaborations are a crucial part of Web3 marketing since Web3 marketing is all about community building.


How the United Nations Leverages the Blockchain for Humanitarianism and Governance

Want to know how the United Nations uses the blockchain to assist with its humanitarian relief efforts? Find out here.


How to Buy/Invest in Cryptocurrencies

Cryptocurrencies are a class of digital assets developed using cryptographic methods that may be bought, sold, or traded securely, but how do you buy them?


How Blockchain Technology Redefines Online Trust in the Age of AI

The blockchain can be used in synergy with artificial intelligence to detect misinformation and false identities and prove ownership and originality.


How Do Dividend Tokens Work and Is it Better Than Staking Coins?

There are many ways to earn money in crypto. One can engage in trading, crypto-lending, NFTs, or even create their own coin.


Get to Know Router Protocol

Cross-chain messaging protocols allow blockchains to read or write data from/to other blockchains and are the cornerstone of blockchain interoperability.


Exploring Ways to Earn Stablecoins in the Cryptocurrency Market

As a vital component of the cryptocurrency ecosystem, stablecoins offer users a reliable store of value, added stability, and a hedge against volatility.


Crypto Token Standards and What They Mean

Cryptocurrency tokens function on a blockchain network according to a unique set of rules and protocols called a token standard.


Career Opportunities in Web 3: How You Can Land Your First Web 3 Job

Web 3 proposes a shift towards a more open, decentralized internet, which can potentially bring huge advantages and opportunities to the business sector.


Bitcoin vs. Altcoins

Bitcoin is a form of cryptocurrency; specifically, it is the largest and most well-known cryptocurrency, but it's NOT the only one in the market. 


Bitcoin and its Different Layers

In continuation of Bitskwela's Bitcoin (BTC) series, our topic of discussion for this piece will be BTC's layers: what are layers, why are layers necessary, and what are BTC's layers 1, 2, and 3. Let's go! 


An Introduction to Merkle Trees

Merkle Trees are vital to blockchain technology and its development. It uses the concept of hashing and cryptography. Merkle Trees focus on ensuring that a dataset is valid without actually having to check each datapoint from the start.


AI and the Metaverse

Unless you've never touched your smartphone or PC since January, you know that there's one thing in the newsfeed of every internet user these days: artificial intelligence.


5 Ways You Can Earn in Web3 (Aside from Crypto Trading!)

Are you having trouble reaching your 2023 goal of learning how to earn in crypto? Looking into a new source of income this 2024? Or maybe you've been exploring Web3 for quite some time but haven't earned a single penny from it and now you feel like you've wasted enough time?

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